“Nyx”-” Νύξ”-“Night”-“Нюкта”
Full-Nyx- Νύξ-Night-Нюкта

New Old project “Spirits of Greek Mythology” The rich imagery, themes, dynamism and historical intricacies of Greek mythology have always provided much fertile inspiration for the creation of masterpieces in all spheres of art. Narratives of the life of the Gods, their strength and power still offer inspiration to artists today. Our exhibition presents our perception of this rich ancient Greek epos. By means of painting and photography we would like to demonstrate the eroticism, beauty and finesse of the life, culture and spirit of the ancient Greeks. We would like to present every visitor with the Beauty of Aphrodite, Poetry of Apollo, Strength of Athena and the Wisdom of Zeus. Through our art we hope to inspire you to momentarily escape from the stressful routine of everyday-life into a world of romanticism, eroticism and beauty.

Nyx (Ancient Greek: Νύξ, "night") – Nox in Latin translation – is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation, and was the mother of other personified gods such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thánatos (Death). Her appearances in mythology are sparse, but reveal her as a figure of exceptional power and beauty. She is found in the shadows of the world and only ever seen in glimpses